Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to eat cheap on mall trips

Nick and I have been doing a lot of shopping recently. Also, we have been working our butts off trying to get promoted, get our degrees finished, and finalize our house purchase (Short sales=No fun for the buyer!).

Needless to say, we needed a bit of a release! After window shopping for around a hour (Okay...Maybe I got a dress and a sweater....And a big union jack trunk...) we were hungry and thirsty.

Because I am frugal, I always carry around a power bar in my bag. Also I carry round a reusable coffee cup (for car rides...Saves the $10 trip to Dunkin), and a bottle of water.

Nick was really REALLY hungry and decided he wanted some Chinese food. At $7 for a plate, its kinda pricey I think! So instead of both getting one $7 meal, we split it. It was very easy to do and the staff at the establishment did not mind one bit. It saved us from having to both buy a plate and a drink. We shared my water and were pretty full after. I think chewing the food slowly, and drinking water between each bite really helped us stay full.

Another piece of news yesterday... I got Tonsilitus...AGAIN! I get this around 5 times a year and the ENT doctors still wont remove them. It drives me insane, but I guess they are there for a reason.
After a panicked call to my sister in law, we got a antibiotic script called in to our local grocery store.
Now, this grocery store has a deal where some Prescription Antibiotics are FREE. You heard that, FREE!
I got a 14 day supply and it made me feel great not having to spend more money.

However, today we have blown the budget. We just brought some storage trunks to keep our stuff in before we move. They are pricey but so useful... We managed to get up to 50% off each one by shopping around. I am still tempted to go back and get the BIGGEST one there. We have a lot of stuff that needs to be stored...

Well that's my random entry for today. I feel kinda worn out being sick, so this article is kinda all over the place.

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