Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vegetarian Chilli

Pre soaking kidney beans for the chili.

 It does not look to attractice right now, but it smelt amazing. :-) I put no celery in this time.
 This is the last leftover from last week, I put it in the freezer and defrosted it today. Its meant to be a bean soup but I think the beans overtook the water. Woops... So this should make around 5 lunches for Nick and I.
 So firstly we decant some of the soup in to two Rubbermaid containers that are microwavable. This soup is REALLY filling.
 I also pack Nick and I some almonds for a 10AM snack
Our breakfast is a PB Sandwich, they actually keep good overnight too. So you can make this the night before.

In the morning we pour some coffee in to our travel mugs, and put some filtered water in to our bottles for the day.

Its easy when you know what you are doing.

Its just one of those days....

Yesterday was one of those 5AM-11PM days. Let me give you a run down of both of our schedules..

Nick: 5AM wake up
5:30AM- Out the door to work
6:00AM-3:00PM work
3:00PM-5:00PM nap
5:00PM-10PM School

11PM- Sleep...

5AM Wake up
5:30AM- Complain about waking up
6AM Breakfast
6:30AM out the door
7-8AM Training
8:45AM-5PM Work
6:00PM-9PM School
9PM-10PM- Pack Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner for Nick and myself, prepare all school work

11PM- Sleep

Today we are making the vegetarian chili. This time I shall take photos as it should be finished in around 4 hours. :-) We have so much food leftover, we are never hungry. There is a lot of leftovers for lunch.

As for surviving $20 a week on gas...This week I filled up last friday with $20, after 2 long journeys I had to finally fill up again today.  :-( I was doing so well..

Tip of the week to save money on gas= SHOP AROUND FOR THE BEST PRICE

I cant stress enough how much of a difference that makes. Every penny counts. :)

I will update later with a more coherent entry once I have had more coffee.